C++ Library Overview
C++ Library Overview
Using Standard C++ Headers | C++ Library Conventions | Iostreams Conventions | Program Startup and Termination****
All Standard C++ library entities are declared or defined in one or more standard headers. To use a library entity in a program, write an include directive that names the relevant standard header. The full set of Standard C++ headers (along with the 18 additional Standard C headers) constitutes a hosted implementation of Standard C++: <algorithm>
, <bitset>
, <cassert>
, <cctype>
, <cerrno>
, <cfloat>
, <ciso646>
, <climits>
, <clocale>
, <cmath>
, <complex>
, <csetjmp>
, <csignal>
, <cstdarg>
, <cstddef>
, <cstdio>
, <cstdlib>
, <cstring>
, <ctime>
, <cwchar>
, <cwctype>
, <deque>
, <exception>
, <fstream>
, <functional>
, <iomanip>
, <ios>
, <iosfwd>
, <iostream>
, <istream>
, <iterator>
, <limits>
, <list>
, <locale>
, <map>
, <memory>
, <numeric>
, <ostream>
, <queue>
, <set>
, <sstream>
, <stack>
, <stdexcept>
, <streambuf>
, <string>
, <strstream>
, <utility>
, <valarray>
, and <vector>
A freestanding implementation of Standard C++ provides only a subset of these headers: <cstddef>
, <cstdlib>
(declaring at least the functions abort
, atexit
, and exit
), <exception>
, <limits>
, and <cstdarg>
The Standard C++ headers have two broader subdivisions, iostreams headers and STL headers.