Registered ActiveX Controls Folder

OverviewHow Do I

This default folder contains shortcuts (links) to all ActiveX controls (.OCX or .DLL files) registered on your system. These controls are either registered automatically by the Setup program, or are controls you purchased and registered separately by running the vendor’s setup program.

The Gallery regenerates links to registered ActiveX controls every time you open it, based on the current state of the registry. This has certain implications:

  • If you delete a link to a registered ActiveX control, the link will still appear the next time you open the Gallery.

  • If you delete a registered ActiveX control (.OCX or .DLL file), but do not unregister it, the link will still appear the next time you open the Gallery. Of course the link will be inoperative.

  • If you copy an ActiveX control to your machine, but do not register the file, the link does not appear because the Gallery does not recognize the control.

To unregister an ActiveX control, see Deleting a Gallery File or Folder.

Tip   When you use Windows Explorer to drag an ActiveX control link from a default folder, the Gallery creates a shortcut to the ActiveX control in the new folder so that you don’t have to worry about maintaining it in more than one location.

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