COleVariant( );
COleVariant( const VARIANT& varSrc );
COleVariant( const COleVariant& varSrc );
COleVariant( LPCVARIANT pSrc );
COleVariant( LPCTSTR lpszSrc );
COleVariant( LPCTSTR lpszSrc**, VARTYPE** vtSrc );
COleVariant( CString& strSrc );
COleVariant( BYTE nSrc );
COleVariant( short nSrc**, VARTYPE** vtSrc = VT_I2 );
COleVariant( long lSrc**, VARTYPE** vtSrc = VT_I4 );
COleVariant( const COleCurrency& curSrc );
COleVariant( float fltSrc );
COleVariant( double dblSrc );
COleVariant( const COleDateTime& dateSrc );
COleVariant( const CByteArray& arrSrc );
COleVariant( const CLongBinary& lbSrc );
An existing COleVariant or VARIANT object to be copied into the new COleVariant object.
A pointer to a VARIANT object that will be copied into the new COleVariant object.
A null-terminated string to be copied into the new COleVariant object.
The for the new COleVariant object.
A CString object to be copied into the new COleVariant object.
nSrc, lSrc
A numerical value to be copied into the new COleVariant object.
The for the new COleVariant object.
A COleCurrency object to be copied into the new COleVariant object.
fltSrc, dblSrc
A numerical value to be copied into the new COleVariant object.
A COleDateTime object to be copied into the new COleVariant object.
A CByteArray object to be copied into the new COleVariant object.
A CLongBinary object to be copied into the new COleVariant object.
All of these constructors create new COleVariant objects initialized to the specified value. A brief description of each of these constructors follows.
COleVariant( ) Creates an empty COleVariant object, VT_EMPTY.
COleVariant( varSrc ) Copies an existing VARIANT or COleVariant object. The variant type is retained.
COleVariant( pSrc ) Copies an existing VARIANT or COleVariant object. The variant type is retained.
COleVariant( lpszSrc ) Copies a string into the new object, VT_BSTR (UNICODE).
COleVariant( lpszSrc**,** vtSrc ) Copies a string into the new object. The parameter vtSrc must be VT_BSTR (UNICODE) or VT_BSTRT (ANSI).
COleVariant( strSrc ) Copies a string into the new object, VT_BSTR (UNICODE).
COleVariant( nSrc ) Copies an 8-bit integer into the new object, VT_UI1.
COleVariant( nSrc**,** vtSrc ) Copies a 16-bit integer (or Boolean value) into the new object. The parameter vtSrc must be VT_I2 or VT_BOOL.
COleVariant( lSrc**,** vtSrc ) Copies a 32-bit integer (or SCODE value) into the new object. The parameter vtSrc must be VT_I4, VT_ERROR, or VT_BOOL.
COleVariant( curSrc ) Copies a COleCurrency value into the new object, VT_CY.
COleVariant( fltSrc ) Copies a 32-bit floating-point value into the new object, VT_R4.
COleVariant( dblSrc ) Copies a 64-bit floating-point value into the new object, VT_R8.
COleVariant( dateSrc ) Copies a COleDateTime value into the new object, VT_DATE.
COleVariant( arrSrc ) Copies a CByteArray object into the new object, VT_EMPTY.
COleVariant( lbSrc ) Copies a CLongBinary object into the new object, VT_EMPTY.
For more information, see the and entries in the Platform SDK.
For more information on SCODE, see in the Platform SDK.
COleVariant Overview | Class Members | Hierarchy Chart
See Also COleVariant::operator =, CString, COleCurrency, COleDateTime