
Microsoft Specific

Emits the merge immediate form of the IPF Deposit (dep) instruction, which is used for copying a number of bits specified by len with the value bit into a value value in a register at the bit position specified by pos.

__m64 __m64_dep_mi( 
   const int bit, 
   __m64 value, 
   const int pos, 
   const int len 


  • [in] bit
    Either 0 or 1. The value to set the merged bits to.
  • [in] value
    The value to be merged into.
  • [in] pos
    The bit position in the value to merge the bits. Valid values are 0 to 63.
  • [in] len
    len is the number of bits to merge. Valid values are 1 to 64.


Intrinsic Architecture



Header file <intrin.h>


// dep.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
// processor: IPF
#include <stdio.h>
#include <intrin.h>

#pragma intrinsic(__m64_dep_mi)

int main()
    __m64 m;
    // Merge a "1" bit at bit 1 in 0x200
    m = __m64_dep_mi(1, _m_from_int(0x200), 1, 1);

    printf_s("%I64x", m.m64_u64);



END Microsoft Specific

See Also


Compiler Intrinsics