ICategory::Name property

Gets the localized name of the category.

This property is read-only.


HRESULT get_Name(
  [out] BSTR *retval

Property value

The localized name of the category.

If this information is unavailable, this parameter is NULL.

Error codes

Returns S_OK if successful. Otherwise, returns a COM or Windows error code.


A Categories property exists for the IUpdate interface. And, a Categories property exists for the IUpdateHistoryEntry2 interface. Therefore, the information that is used by the localized properties of the ICategory interface depends on the Windows Update Agent (WUA) object that owns the ICategory interface.

If the ICategory interface is returned from the Categories property of IUpdate, the ICategory interface follows the localization rules of the IUpdate interface. In this case, if the IUpdateSearcher interface is created by using the IUpdateSession::CreateUpdateSearcher method, the information that this property returns is for the language that is specified by the UserLocale property of the IUpdateSession2 interface of the session that is used to create IUpdateSearcher.

If a language preference is not specified by the UserLocale property of the IUpdateSession2 interface, or if the IUpdateSearcher interface is not created by using the IUpdateSession::CreateUpdateSearcher method, the information that this property returns is for the default user interface (UI) language of the user. If the default UI language of the user is unavailable, WUA uses the default UI language of the computer. If the default language of the computer is unavailable, WUA uses the language that the provider of the update recommends.

If the ICategory interface is returned from the Categories property of the IUpdateHistoryEntry2 interface, the ICategory interface follows the localization rules of the IUpdateHistoryEntry2 interface. The information that this property returns is for the default UI language of the user. If the default UI language of the user is unavailable, WUA uses the default UI language of the computer. If the default language of the computer is unavailable, WUA uses the language that the provider of the update recommends.


Minimum supported client

Windows XP, Windows 2000 Professional with SP3 [desktop apps only]

Minimum supported server

Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000 Server with SP3 [desktop apps only]









See also
