IOfflineFilesSimpleProgress::ItemResult method (cscobj.h)

Reports that an item has been processed during the operation. This method is called even if the operation was unsuccessful. Check the value received in the hrResult parameter to determine whether the operation was successful.


HRESULT ItemResult(
  [in]  LPCWSTR                  pszFile,
  [in]  HRESULT                  hrResult,


[in] pszFile

Receives the fully qualified UNC path of the item that was processed.

[in] hrResult

Receives the result of the operation for the item. Contains S_OK if the operation completed successfully or an error value otherwise.

[out] pResponse

Set this parameter to a value from the OFFLINEFILES_OP_RESPONSE enumeration that indicates how the operation is to proceed.

Return value

The return value is ignored.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008
Target Platform Windows
Header cscobj.h
DLL CscSvc.dll; CscObj.dll

See also
