CreateDeviceAccessInstance function (deviceaccess.h)

Creates the object that's used to access a device. The instantiated object implements the IDeviceIoControl and ICreateDeviceAccessAsync interfaces.

Conditions (FYI):

 !defined(__deviceaccess_h__) [-AND-]  ((NTDDI_VERSION >= NTDDI_WIN8)) [-AND-]  defined(__cplusplus)

Declaration from header.

    _In_ LPCWSTR deviceInterfacePath,  
    _In_ DWORD desiredAccess,  
    _Outptr_ ICreateDeviceAccessAsync **createAsync  


HRESULT CreateDeviceAccessInstance(
  [in] PCWSTR                   deviceInterfacePath,
  [in] DWORD                    desiredAccess,
       ICreateDeviceAccessAsync **createAsync


[in] deviceInterfacePath

A valid device interface path for the device that this instance should bind to.

[in] desiredAccess

The requested level of access to the device, which can be summarized as read, write, both, or neither (zero).

The most commonly used values are GENERIC_READ, GENERIC_WRITE, or both (GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE). For more information, see Generic Access Rights, File Security and Access Rights, File Access Rights Constants, Creating and Opening Files, and ACCESS_MASK.


Asynchronous interface to control binding for this instance. For more information, see ICreateDeviceAccessAsync.

Return value

S_OK if the underlying object and asynchronous operation are created successfully; an appropriate error otherwise. Note that this function doesn't perform the actual binding.That happens as part of the asynchronous operation.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header deviceaccess.h
Library Deviceaccess.lib
DLL Deviceaccess.dll