PSS_VA_SPACE_ENTRY structure (processsnapshot.h)

Holds the MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION returned by PssWalkSnapshot for a virtual address (VA) region.


typedef struct {
  void          *BaseAddress;
  void          *AllocationBase;
  DWORD         AllocationProtect;
  ULONG_PTR     RegionSize;
  DWORD         State;
  DWORD         Protect;
  DWORD         Type;
  DWORD         TimeDateStamp;
  DWORD         SizeOfImage;
  void          *ImageBase;
  DWORD         CheckSum;
  WORD          MappedFileNameLength;
  wchar_t const *MappedFileName;



Information about the VA region. For more information, see MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION.


Information about the VA region. For more information, see MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION.


Information about the VA region. For more information, see MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION.


Information about the VA region. For more information, see MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION.


Information about the VA region. For more information, see MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION.


Information about the VA region. For more information, see MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION.


Information about the VA region. For more information, see MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION.


If section information was captured and the region is an executable image (MEM_IMAGE), this is the TimeDateStamp value from the Portable Executable (PE) header which describes the image. It is the low 32 bits of the number of seconds since 00:00 January 1, 1970 (a C run-time time_t value), that indicates when the file was created.


If section information was captured and the region is an executable image (MEM_IMAGE), this is the SizeOfImage value from the Portable Executable (PE) header which describes the image. It is the size (in bytes) of the image, including all headers, as the image is loaded in memory.


If section information was captured and the region is an executable image (MEM_IMAGE), this is the ImageBase value from the Portable Executable (PE) header which describes the image. It is the preferred address of the first byte of the image when loaded into memory.


If section information was captured and the region is an executable image (MEM_IMAGE), this is the CheckSum value from the Portable Executable (PE) header which describes the image. It is the image file checksum.


The length of the mapped file name buffer, in bytes.


If section information was captured, this is the file path backing the section (if any). The path may be in NT namespace. The string may not be terminated by a NULL character. The pointer is valid for the lifetime of the walk marker passed to PssWalkSnapshot.


PssWalkSnapshot returns a PSS_VA_SPACE_ENTRY structure when the PSS_WALK_INFORMATION_CLASS member that the caller provides it is PSS_WALK_VA_SPACE.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 8.1 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2012 R2 [desktop apps only]
Header processsnapshot.h

See also

Process Snapshotting