IWMReaderAdvanced3::StartAtPosition method (wmsdkidl.h)

[The feature associated with this page, Windows Media Format 11 SDK, is a legacy feature. It has been superseded by Source Reader and Sink Writer. Source Reader and Sink Writer have been optimized for Windows 10 and Windows 11. Microsoft strongly recommends that new code use Source Reader and Sink Writer instead of Windows Media Format 11 SDK, when possible. Microsoft suggests that existing code that uses the legacy APIs be rewritten to use the new APIs if possible.]

The StartAtPosition method enables you to specify a starting position for a file using one of several offset formats. This method is very similar to IWMReader::Start, except that the starting position and duration can be given for time, video frame number, SMPTE time code, or playlist position. If you only need to seek on presentation time, use Start.


HRESULT StartAtPosition(
  [in] WORD              wStreamNum,
  [in] void              *pvOffsetStart,
  [in] void              *pvDuration,
  [in] WMT_OFFSET_FORMAT dwOffsetFormat,
  [in] float             fRate,
  [in] void              *pvContext


[in] wStreamNum

WORD containing the stream number for which pvOffsetStart and pvDuration apply. Passing zero signifies that the offset start and duration apply for all streams in the file. If you pass zero, the only valid values for dwOffsetFormat are WMT_OFFSET_FORMAT_100NS and WMT_OFFSET_FORMAT_PLAYLIST_OFFSET.

[in] pvOffsetStart

Void pointer to the address containing the offset start. The unit of measurement for the offset is determined by dwOffsetFormat. The unit of measurement also dictates the size of the variable pointed to. The possible variable types are listed according to offset format in the following table.

Offset format pvOffsetStart data type

[in] pvDuration

Void pointer to the address containing the duration of playback. If zero is passed, playback will continue until the end of the file. The unit of measurement for the duration is determined by dwOffsetFormat. The unit of measurement also dictates the size of the variable pointed to. The possible variable types are listed according to offset format in the following table.

Offset format pvDuration data type

[in] dwOffsetFormat

DWORD containing one member of the WMT_OFFSET_FORMAT enumeration type. Valid values and their meanings are as follows.

Value Description
WMT_OFFSET_FORMAT_100NS The offset and duration are specified in 100-nanosecond units. This is the same offset format that is supported by the IWMReader::Start method.
WMT_OFFSET_FORMAT_FRAME_NUMBERS The offset is specified by the video frame number at which to start playback. The duration is a number of video frames.
WMT_OFFSET_FORMAT_PLAYLIST_OFFSET The offset is specified by an offset into a playlist. The duration is specified in 100-nanosecond units.
WMT_OFFSET_FORMAT_TIMECODE The offset is specified by a SMPTE time code value. The duration is not a count, but another SMPTE time code value.
WMT_OFFSET_FORMAT_APPROXIMATE The offset and duration are specified in 100-nanosecond units. When this format is used, playback begins with the closest clean point prior to the time provided. This format is intended to decrease seeking time when the exact sample is not required, such as in a player application's seek bar.

[in] fRate

Floating point number indicating playback rate. Normal-speed playback is 1.0; higher numbers cause faster playback, and lower numbers cause slower playback. Numbers less than zero indicate reverse rate (rewinding). The valid range is 1.0 through 10.0, and -1.0 through -10.0.

[in] pvContext

Generic pointer, for use by the application. This pointer is passed back to the application on calls to IWMReaderCallback.

Return value

The method returns an HRESULT. Possible values include, but are not limited to, those in the following table.

Return code Description
The method succeeded.
dwOffsetFormat is WMT_OFFSET_FORMAT_FRAME_NUMBERS and wStreamNum is zero.


pvOffsetStart is NULL, signifying a resume, and the reader is in stop mode. You cannot resume playback when the player has been stopped.


pvOffsetStart is NULL, signifying a resume, and pvDuration is not NULL. You cannot specify a duration for a resume.


No file is open in the reader.


fRate is out of bounds.


The reader receiving broadcast streams. You cannot seek from a broadcasting source.


fRate is negative, indicating a rewind, and the duration would rewind to before the beginning of the file.


dwOffsetFormat is WMT_OFFSET_FORMAT_FRAME_NUMBERS and the file is not indexed and/or is not indexed by frame.

The method is unable to allocate memory for a message structure required internally.


Frame-based access is available only for local files. You cannot use StartAtPosition to specify starting frame numbers for streamed content, even if the file is indexed by frame.

You can pass NULL for pvOffsetStart if you are making a call to resume paused playback. In this case you must also pass NULL for pvDuration.

If an invalid duration is specified, StartAtPosition will not fail. As many samples as possible will be delivered.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 2000 Professional [desktop apps only],Windows Media Format 9 Series SDK, or later versions of the SDK
Minimum supported server Windows 2000 Server [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header wmsdkidl.h (include Wmsdk.h)
Library Wmvcore.lib; WMStubDRM.lib (if you use DRM)

See also

IWMReaderAdvanced3 Interface