Files Included with the Authentication Sample

The following table describes the contents of each source file used in the sample plug-in.

Source file



This file implements generic code required for dll connectivity.


This file implements the custom administration interface provided by the sample plug-in. The sample implementation does no more than initialize itself for use, but this could be expanded any way you like. For more information on plug-in custom interfaces, see Creating an MMC Property Page.


This file implements the main functionality of the sample plug-in by implementing the IWMSAuthenticationContextIWMSAuthenticationContext Interface. The GetImpersonationAccountName method must be implemented and the guest user account credentials must be defined. Both of these tasks have been left for you to finish wherever the code is marked TODO.


This file implements generic plug-in functionality by implementing the IWMSBasicPluginIWMSBasicPlugin Interface. This includes routines to perform when certain events occur, such as when the plug-in is initialized or when the plug-in is enabled or disabled.

See Also


Authentication Plug-in Sample