IFsrmClassificationManager.ClassificationReportMailTo Property


Gets or sets the email address to which to send the classification reports, if any.

Namespace:   Microsoft.Storage
Assembly:  srmlib (in srmlib.dll)


string ClassificationReportMailTo { get; set; }
property String^ ClassificationReportMailTo {
    String^ get();
    void set(String^ value);
abstract ClassificationReportMailTo : string with get, set
Property ClassificationReportMailTo As String

Property Value

Type: System.String

Returns a String containing the email addresses of those receiving the reports via email. Use a semicolon to delimit the addresses. The maximum length of each address is 255 characters.


The email message is sent only if the classification finishes successfully. Email is not sent for FsrmReportType_ExportReport report types. The reports are attached to the email message. You can specify [Admin Email] to send notification to the administrator (if the IFsrmSetting::AdminEmail property is set). The subject is "<ReportType>: <ReportName>". The body of the email message is empty.

See Also

IFsrmClassificationManager Interface
Microsoft.Storage Namespace

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