Output from validateDOM Example


[This sample code uses features that were first implemented in MSXML 5.0 for Microsoft Office Applications.]

After you build and run the project, the application should produce the following output in a console window:

Next, we'll demonstrate how to manage the lifetime of a DOM object using reference counting.

To test the validateDOM example

  1. Verify that you get the following output.


Validating DOM...  
        XMLDoc is not valid because  
Element 'review' is unexpected according to content model of parent element 'book'.  
Expecting: pub_date.  
Validating all book nodes, '//book', one by one ...  
        <book (0) is a valid node  
        <book> (1) is not valid because  
Element 'review' is unexpected according to content model of parent element 'book'.  
Expecting: pub_date.  
Validating all children of all book nodes, //book/*, one by one...  
        <author> (0) is a valid node  
        <title> (1) is a valid node  
        <genre> (2) is a valid node  
        <price> (3) is a valid node  
        <pub_date> (4) is a valid node  
        <review> (5) is a valid node  
        <author> (6) is a valid node  
        <title> (7) is a valid node  
        <genre> (8) is a valid node  
        <price> (9) is a valid node  
        <review> (10) is not valid beacause  
Element 'review' is unexpected according to content model of parent element 'book'.  
Expecting: pub_date.