Clear method of the PS_RemoteAccessInboxAccountingStore class

This cmdlet clears the inbox accounting store for the specified time period.


uint32 Clear(
  [in]  string                      ComputerName,
  [in]  datetime                    StartDateTime,
  [in]  datetime                    EndDateTime,
  [in]  boolean                     Force,
  [in]  boolean                     PassThru,
  [out] RemoteAccessInboxAccounting cmdletOutput


ComputerName [in]

IPv4/IPv6 address or hostname of the machine on which the remote access server machine specific tasks should be executed. When ComputerName is specified the store residing on that Remote Access server is cleared

StartDateTime [in]

This parameter is used to specify the time duration for which store should be emptied and indicates the start date. If no start date is specified then the time stamp of the first record entry in the accounting store is used by default

EndDateTime [in]

This parameter is used to specify the time duration for which store should be emptied and indicates the end date. When not specified the time stamp of the last record entry in the accounting store is used by default

Force [in]

Switch parameter used to suppress user confirmation prompts shown to the user before clearing the store to warn him about the loss of data/information for the specified duration. When suppressed the cmdlet assumes user confirmation for the clearing of the store

PassThru [in]

Returns the object that represents the inbox accounting configuration. By default this cmdlet does not generate any output

cmdletOutput [out]

The entire inbox accounting configuration.


Minimum supported client
None supported
Minimum supported server
Windows Server 2012

See also
