Msvm_VLANEndpoint class
Represents the VLAN endpoint of a switch port. The configuration of this endpoint will change the way the switch port sends VLAN packets through the switch.
The following syntax is simplified Managed Object Format (MOF) code, and it includes all of the inherited properties.
[Dynamic, Provider("VmmsWmiInstanceAndMethodProvider"), AMENDMENT]
class Msvm_VLANEndpoint : CIM_VLANEndpoint
string Caption;
string ElementName;
datetime InstallDate;
string StatusDescriptions[] = { "The service is running normally" };
uint16 HealthState = 5;
string OtherEnabledState;
uint16 RequestedState = 12;
string SystemCreationClassName = "Msvm_VirtualSwitch";
string SystemName;
string CreationClassName = "Msvm_VLANEndpoint";
string Description;
uint16 OperationalStatus[] = 2;
uint16 EnabledState = 5;
datetime TimeOfLastStateChange;
string NameFormat;
uint16 ProtocolType;
uint16 ProtocolIFType = 1;
string OtherTypeDescription = "Virtual Ethernet";
uint16 DesiredEndpointMode;
uint16 OperationalEndpointMode;
string OtherTrunkEncapsulation;
uint16 GVRPStatus;
string Status;
uint16 EnabledDefault = 2;
String Name;
boolean BroadcastResetSupported = False;
string OtherEndpointMode;
uint16 DesiredVLANTrunkEncapsulation;
uint16 OperationalVLANTrunkEncapsulation;
uint16 SupportedEndpointModes[];
The Msvm_VLANEndpoint class has these types of members:
The Msvm_VLANEndpoint class has these methods.
Method | Description |
BroadcastReset | This method is not supported. |
RequestStateChange | This method is not supported. |
The Msvm_VLANEndpoint class has these properties.
Data type: boolean
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: Experimental, MappingStrings ("FC-SWAPI.INCITS-T11|SWAPI_PORT_CONFIG_CAPS_T.PortForceLipSupported"), ModelCorrespondence ("CIM_ProtocolEndpoint.BroadcastReset")
Indicates whether the instrumentation supports the BroadcastReset method. This property is inherited from CIM_ProtocolEndpoint and is always set to False.
Data type: string
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: MaxLen (64)
A short textual description (one line string) of the object. This property is inherited from CIM_ManagedElement.
The name of the class or the subclass used in the creation of an instance. This property is inherited from CIM_ServiceAccessPoint and is always set to "Msvm_VLANEndpoint".
Data type: string
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("MIB.IETF|IF-MIB.ifDescr")
A textual description of the object. This property is inherited from CIM_ProtocolEndpoint.
Data type: uint16
Access type: Read/write
Qualifiers: ModelCorrespondence ("CIM_VLANEndpoint.OperationalEndpointMode", "CIM_VLANEndpoint.OtherEndpointMode")
The desired VLAN mode that is requested for use. (Note that the current mode is given by the OperationalEndpointMode property.) This property is inherited from CIM_VLANEndpoint.
The possible values are:
DMTF Reserved (0)
Other (1)
Access (2)
The endpoint is in permanent non-trunking mode and negotiates to convert the link into a non-trunk link. The endpoint becomes a non-trunk interface.
Dynamic Auto (3)
The endpoint can convert the link to a trunk link. The endpoint becomes a trunk interface if the neighboring interface is set to trunk or desirable mode.
Dynamic Desirable (4)
The endpoint actively attempts to convert the link to a trunk link. In addition, the endpoint becomes a trunk interface if the neighboring interface is set to trunk, desirable, or auto mode. The default switch-port mode for all ethernet interfaces is dynamic desirable.
Trunk (5)
The endpoint is in permanent trunking mode and negotiates to convert the link into a trunk link. The endpoint becomes a trunk interface even if the neighboring interface is not a trunk interface.
Dot1Q Tunnel (6)
Configures the interface as a tunnel (non-trunking) endpoint to be connected in an asymmetric link with an 802.1Q trunk port. 802.1Q tunneling is used to maintain customer VLAN integrity across a service provider network.
Vendor Reserved
Data type: uint16
Access type: Read/write
Qualifiers: ModelCorrespondence ("CIM_VLANEndpointCapabilities.SupportsTrunkEncapsulationNegotiation", "CIM_VLANEndpoint.OperationalVLANTrunkEncapsulation", "CIM_VLANEndpoint.OtherTrunkEncapsulation")
The type of VLAN encapsulation that is requested for use. (Note that the encapsulation currently in use is given by the OperationalVLANTrunkEncapsulation property.) Note that this property is only applicable when the endpoint is operating in a trunking mode (see the OperationalEndpointMode property for additional details). This property is either 2 (Not Applicable) (that is, the endpoint will never be placed in a trunking mode), a particular type (802.1Q or Cisco ISL), or 5 (Negotiate) (that is, the result of the negotiation between this interface and its neighbor). The value, 5 (Negotiate) is not allowed if the endpoint does not support negotiation. This capability is hardware and vendor dependent. Refer to the associated CIM_VLANEndpointCapabilities.doesTrunkEncapsulationNegotiation property to validate whether a particular endpoint (port) supports encapsulation negotiation. This property is inherited from CIM_VLANEndpoint.
DMTF Reserved (0)
Other (1)
Not Applicable (2)
802.1q (3)
Cisco ISL (4)
Negotiate (5)
DMTF Reserved
Vendor Reserved
Data type: string
Access type: Read-only
A user-friendly name for the object. This property is inherited from CIM_ManagedElement.
Data type: uint16
Access type: Read/write
An administrator's default or startup configuration for the enabled state of an element. This property is inherited from CIM_EnabledLogicalElement and is always set to 2 (Enabled).
Data type: uint16
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("MIB.IETF|IF-MIB.ifAdminStatus")
The enabled and disabled states of this element. This property is inherited from CIM_ProtocolEndpoint and is always set to 5 (Not Applicable).
Not Applicable (5)
The element does not support being enabled or disabled.
Data type: uint16
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: ModelCorrespondence ("CIM_VLANEndpoint.OperationalEndpointMode, CIM_VLANEndpointCapabilities.Dot1QTagging")
Indicates whether GARP VLAN Registration Protocol (GVRP) is enabled or disabled on the trunk endpoint/port. This property is 2 (Not Applicable) unless GVRP is supported by the endpoint. This is indicated in the Capabilities property, CIM_VLANEndpointCapabilities class Dot1QTagging property. This property is applicable only when the endpoint is operating in trunking mode (determined by examining the SwitchEndpointMode property). This property is inherited from CIM_VLANEndpoint.
The possible values are:
Unknown (0)
Not Applicable (2)
Enabled (3)
Disabled (4)
Data type: uint16
Access type: Read-only
The current health of the element. This property is inherited from CIM_ManagedSystemElement and is always set to 5 (OK).
OK (5)
The element is fully functional and operates within normal operational parameters and without error.
Data type: datetime
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("MIF.DMTF|ComponentID|001.5")
The date and time when the object was installed. This property is inherited from CIM_ManagedSystemElement and is not used.
Data type: String
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: MaxLen (256)
A string that identifies this protocol endpoint with either a port or an interface on a device. This property is inherited from CIM_ProtocolEndpoint.
Data type: string
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: MaxLen (256)
The naming heuristic that is selected to ensure that the value of the Name property is unique. This property is inherited from CIM_ProtocolEndpoint and is not used.
Data type: uint16
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: ModelCorrespondence ("CIM_VLANEndpoint.DesiredEndpointMode", "CIM_VLANEndpoint.OtherEndpointMode")
The configuration mode for the VLAN endpoint. This property is inherited from CIM_VLANEndpoint.
The possible values are:
DMTF Reserved (0)
Other (1)
The endpoint is not VLAN aware.
Access (2)
The endpoint is in permanent non-trunking mode and negotiates to convert the link into a non-trunk link. The endpoint becomes a non-trunk interface.
Dynamic Auto (3)
The endpoint can convert the link to a trunk link. The endpoint becomes a trunk interface if the neighboring interface is set to trunk or desirable mode.
Dynamic Desirable (4)
The endpoint actively attempts to convert the link to a trunk link. In addition, the endpoint becomes a trunk interface if the neighboring interface is set to trunk, desirable, or auto mode. The default switch-port mode for all ethernet interfaces is dynamic desirable.
Trunk (5)
The endpoint is in permanent trunking mode and negotiates to convert the link into a trunk link. The endpoint becomes a trunk interface even if the neighboring interface is not a trunk interface.
Dot1Q Tunnel (6)
Configures the interface as a tunnel (non-trunking) endpoint to be connected in an asymmetric link with an 802.1Q trunk port. 802.1Q tunneling is used to maintain customer VLAN integrity across a service provider network.
DMTF Reserved
Vendor Reserved
Vendor reserved.
Data type: uint16 array
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("MIB.IETF|IF-MIB.ifOperStatus")
The current statuses of the element. This property is inherited from CIM_ProtocolEndpoint and is always set to 2 (OK).
OK (2)
Full functionality without errors.
Data type: uint16
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: ModelCorrespondence ("CIM_VLANEndpoint.OtherTrunkEncapsulation", "CIM_VLANEndpoint.DesiredVLANTrunkEncapsulation")
The type of VLAN encapsulation in use on a trunk endpoint/port. This property is either 2 (Not Applicable) (that is, the endpoint is not operating in trunking mode), a particular type (3 - 802.1Q or 4 - Cisco ISL), 5 (Negotiate) (that is, the endpoints are negotiating the encapsulation type). Note that this property is only applicable when the endpoint is operating in a trunking mode (see the OperationalEndpointMode property for additional details). This property is inherited from CIM_VLANEndpoint.
Unknown (0)
Other (1)
Not Applicable (2)
802.1q (3)
Cisco ISL (4)
Negotiating (5)
DMTF Reserved
Vendor Reserved
Data type: string
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: ModelCorrespondence ("CIM_EnabledLogicalElement.EnabledState")
The enabled or disabled state of the element when the EnabledState property is set to 1 (Other). This property is inherited from CIM_EnabledLogicalElement and is not used.
Data type: string
Access type: Read/write
Qualifiers: ModelCorrespondence ("CIM_VLANEndpoint.DesiredEndpointMode", "CIM_VLANEndpoint.OperationalEndpointMode")
The type of VLAN endpoint model that is supported by this VLAN endpoint, when the value of the mode property is set to 1 (Other). This property should be set to NULL when the OperationalEndpointMode property is any value other than 1. This property is inherited from CIM_VLANEndpoint.
Data type: string
Access type: Read/write
Qualifiers: ModelCorrespondence ("CIM_VLANEndpoint.DesiredVLANTrunkEncapsulation", "CIM_VLANEndpoint.OperationalVLANTrunkEncapsulation")
The type of VLAN encapsulation that is supported by this VLANEndpoint, when the value of the OperationalVLANTrunkEncapsulation property is set to 1 (Other). This property should be set to NULL when the desired encapsulation property is any value other than 1. This property is inherited from CIM_VLANEndpoint.
Data type: string
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: MaxLen (64), ModelCorrespondence ("CIM_ProtocolEndpoint.ProtocolType", "CIM_ProtocolEndpoint.ProtocolIFType")
The type of protocol endpoint when the Type property of this class (or any of its subclasses) is set to 1 (Other). This property is inherited from CIM_ProtocolEndpoint and is always set to "Virtual Ethernet".
Data type: uint16
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("MIB.IETF|IF-MIB.ifType"), ModelCorrespondence ("CIM_ProtocolEndpoint.OtherTypeDescription")
The IANA ifType MIB. This property is inherited from CIM_ProtocolEndpoint and is always set to 1 (Other).
Data type: uint16
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: Deprecated ("CIM_ProtocolEndpoint.ProtocolIFType"), ModelCorrespondence ("CIM_ProtocolEndpoint.OtherTypeDescription")
This property is inherited from CIM_ProtocolEndpoint and is not used.
Data type: uint16
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: ModelCorrespondence ("CIM_EnabledLogicalElement.EnabledState")
The last requested or desired state for the management service. This property is inherited from CIM_EnabledLogicalElement and is always set to 12 (Not Applicable).
Not Applicable (12)
Indicates that this instance does not support the RequestedState property.
Data type: string
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: Deprecated ("CIM_ManagedSystemElement.OperationalStatus"), MaxLen (10)
The current status of the object. Operational and non-operational status can be defined. Operational status can include "OK", "Degraded", and "Pred Fail". "Pred Fail" indicates whether an element is functioning properly, but is predicting a failure (for example, a SMART-enabled hard disk drive).
Non-operational status can include "Error", "Starting", "Stopping", and "Service". "Service" can apply during disk mirror-resilvering, reloading a user permissions list, or other administrative work. Not all such work is online, but the managed element is neither "OK" nor in one of the other states.
Data type: string array
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: ArrayType ("Indexed"), ModelCorrespondence ("CIM_ManagedSystemElement.OperationalStatus")
This property is inherited from CIM_ManagedSystemElement but it is not supported.
Data type: uint16 array
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: ArrayType ("Indexed")
The endpoint mode supported by this port. This is generated dynamically.
Data type: string
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: Key, Propagated ("CIM_System.CreationClassName"), MaxLen (256)
The creation class name of the scoping system. This property is inherited from CIM_ServiceAccessPoint and is always set to "Msvm_VirtualSwitch"
Data type: string
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: Key, Propagated ("CIM_System.Name"), MaxLen (256)
The system name of the scoping system. This property is inherited from CIM_ServiceAccessPoint.
Data type: datetime
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("MIB.IETF|IF-MIB.ifLastChange")
The date or time when the enabled state of the element last changed. This property is inherited from CIM_ProtocolEndpoint and is not used.
The Msvm_NetworkElementSettingData class is used to hold the association between the Msvm_VLANEndpoint and Msvm_VLANEndpointSettingData classes.
Access to the Msvm_VLANEndpoint class might be restricted by UAC Filtering. For more information, see User Account Control and WMI.
See Querying Networking Objects.
Minimum supported client |
None supported |
Minimum supported server |
Windows Server 2008 |
End of client support |
None supported |
End of server support |
Windows Server 2012 R2 |
Namespace |
Root\Virtualization |