WPDDeviceInspector Automation Profiles

The WPDDeviceInspector tool is a console application. It generates a comprehensive HTML report that describes the capabilities and content of a device. This application is available in the Windows Driver Kit for Windows 7.

The WPDDeviceInspector for Windows 7 supports an Automation mode that generates a report of the device capabilities in terms of JScript properties, methods, and events. This report provides a basic guide to the device properties, services, formats, and storages.

The following steps show how to use the WPDDeviceInspector.

  1. Connect a device.
  2. From a Command Prompt, type the following: WpdDeviceInspector.exe /Automation
  3. Enter the selection for the device.
  4. The report is generated as DeviceAutomationInfo.html in the DeviceProfiles folder.

The following is a snapshot of the Device Object capabilities for a sample device:

Device Capabilities

Supported Properties

JScript Datatype Access
ObjectId String Read
ObjectContainerFunctionalObjectId String Read
ObjectPersistentUniqueId String Read
ObjectParentId String Read
ObjectFormat String Read
ObjectContentType String Read
FunctionalObjectCategory String Read
DevicePowerSource Number Read
ObjectCanDelete Boolean Read
DeviceType Number Read
DeviceTransport Number Read
DeviceFirmwareVersion String Read
DeviceProtocol String Read
DeviceManufacturer String Read
DeviceModel String Read
ObjectName String Read
DeviceSerialNumber String Read
DeviceModelUniqueId Array Read
DeviceFunctionalUniqueId Array Read
DevicePowerLevel Number Read
DeviceSyncPartner String Read/Write
DeviceFriendlyName String Read/Write



JScript Description
var Collection = deviceObject.storages Returns a collection of legacy storages on the device.
var Collection = deviceObject.services Returns a collection of services on the device.
var Collection = deviceObject.getServicesByType("{GUID}") Returns a collection of services for a given type.


Event Handlers

  • onDeviceReset()
  • onDeviceUpdated()

Best Practices for Writing WPD Automation Scripts