COPP Video Miniport Driver Key Exchange Template Code

This section applies only to Windows Server 2003 SP1 and later, and Windows XP SP2 and later.

Use the following example code to retrieve the digital certificate used by the graphics hardware for the COPP DirectX VA device object.

    PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION pHwDeviceExtension,
    PVIDEO_REQUEST_PACKET pVideoRequestPacket
    COPP_IO_InputBuffer* pInBuff = pVideoRequestPacket->InputBuffer;
    COPP_DeviceData* pThis = (COPP_DeviceData*)*pInBuff->ppThis;
    GUID* lpout = (GUID*)pVideoRequestPacket->OutputBuffer;
    BYTE* pCertificate = (BYTE*)pInBuff->InputBuffer;
    HRESULT* phr = pInBuff->phr;
     *phr = COPPKeyExchange(pThis, lpout, pCertificate);
    if (*phr == NO_ERROR) {
        pVideoRequestPacket->StatusBlock->Information = pVideoRequestPacket->OutputBufferLength;
    return NO_ERROR;