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This structure defines a message queue created by a dialer application to pass messages to the AutoDial DLL (Autoras.dll).

typedef struct { DWORD dwNotificationId; DWORD dwNotificationParam; } DIALER_NOTIFICATION, PDIALER_NOTIFICATION;


  • dwNotificationId
    Identifies the message being passed. The following table shows the possible values.
    Value Description
    DIALER_START Informs the AutoDial DLL that the dialer application is starting.
    DIALER_TERMINATE Informs the AutoDial DLL that the dialer application is shutting down.
  • dwNotificationParam
    Used to pass parameters, if any, that are required by the message being passed.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Autoras.h.

See Also

RAS AutoDial

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