DNS_SIG_DATA (Windows CE 5.0)

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This structure represents a DNS signature (SIG) record.

typedef struct {  LPTSTR pNameSigner;  WORD wTypeCovered;  BYTE chAlgorithm;  BYTE chLabelCount;  DWORD dwOriginalTtl;  DWORD dwExpiration;  DWORD dwTimeSigned;  WORD wKeyTag;  WORD Pad;  BYTE Signature[1];} DNS_SIG_DATA, *PDNS_SIG_DATA;


  • pNameSigner
    [in] Pointer to a string representing the name of the signer that generated the record
  • wTypeCovered
    [in] Type of RR covered by the signature
  • chAlgorithm
    [in] Algorithm used with the key specified in the RR. The assigned values are shown in the following table.
    Value Meaning
    1 RSA/MD5 (RFC 2537)
    2 Diffie-Hellman (RFC 2539)
    3 DSA (RFC 2536)
    4 Elliptic curve cryptography
  • chLabelCount
    [in] Number of labels in the original signature RR owner name. The count does not include the NULL label for the root, nor any initial wildcards.
  • dwOriginalTtl
    [in] TTL value of the RR set signed by the signature RR. A TTL of zero (0) indicates that the time to live is 10 minutes.
  • dwExpiration
    [in] Expiration date, expressed in seconds since the beginning of January 1, 1970, Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), excluding leap seconds.
  • dwTimeSigned
    [in] Date and time at which the signature becomes valid, expressed in seconds since the beginning of January 1, 1970, Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), excluding leap seconds.
  • wKeyTag
    [in] Method used to choose a key that verifies a signature. See RFC 2535, Appendix C for the method used to calculate a KeyTag.
  • Pad
    [in] Reserved. Used to keep byte field aligned.
  • Signature
    [in] Signature, represented in base 64, formatted as defined in RFC 2535, Appendix A.


This structure is used in conjunction with the DNS_RECORD structure to programmatically manage DNS entries.


OS Versions: Windows CE 5.0 and later.
Header: Windns.h.

See Also

DNS Structures

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