IUPnPDeviceFinderCallback::DeviceRemoved (Windows CE 5.0)

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This method is invoked when a device has been removed from the network.

HRESULT DeviceRemoved(LONG lFindData,BSTR bstrUDN);


  • lFindData
    [in] Specifies the search for which UPnP is returning results. The value of lFindData is the value returned to the caller by IUPnPDeviceFinder::CreateAsyncFind.
  • bstrUDN
    [in] Specifies the unique device name (UDN) of the device that was removed from the network.

Return Values

UPnP does not expect the application to return any specific value. Any value returned is ignored by UPnP.


UPnP may return two or more callbacks for the same device. An application can ignore subsequent device-removal callbacks.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Upnp.h.
Link Library: Uuid.lib.

See Also

IUPnPDeviceFinder:IDispatch | IUPnPDeviceFinder::CreateAsyncFind

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