CEL_INT_DATA (Windows CE 5.0)

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This structure identifies an interrupt entry or exit event. Lists of CEL_INT_DATA structures are always immediately preceded by a CEL_INTERRUPTS structure.

typedef __CEL_INT_DATA {DWORDdwTimeStamp;WORDwSysIntr;WORDwNestingLevel;} CEL_INT_DATA, *PCEL_INT_DATA;


  • dwTimeStamp
    Time stamp, in tick counts, for the occurrence of the interrupt. This time stamp is in the same format as the ftimestamp member of CEL_HEADER.
  • wSysIntr
    Interrupt identifier returned from the OAL when an interrupt is serviced. This identifier is unavailable on an interrupt entry.
  • wNestingLevel
    Specifies how deep an interrupt was nested. The top bit of wNestingLevel is used to indicate whether the event is an interrupt entry or exit. If the top bit is set, it is an interrupt entry and wSysIntr is unavailable; if the top bit is 0, it is an ISR exit and wSysIntr is valid.


Lists of CEL_INT_DATA structures are always immediately preceded by a CEL_INTERRUPTS structure.


OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later.
Header: Celog.h.

See Also


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