CertEnumPhysicalStore (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function retrieves the physical stores on a computer. The function calls the provided callback function for each physical store found.

BOOL WINAPI CertEnumPhysicalStore(
  const void* pvSystemStore,  DWORD dwFlags,  void* pvArg,  PFN_CERT_ENUM_PHYSICAL_STORE pfnEnum);


  • pvSystemStore
    [in] If CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_RELOCATE_FLAG is set in dwFlags, pvSystemStore points to a CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_RELOCATE_PARA structure that indicates both the name and the location of the system store to be enumerated. Otherwise, pvSystemStore is a pointer to a Unicode string that names the system store whose physical stores are to be enumerated.

  • dwFlags
    [in] Specifies the location of the system store. The following flag values are defined:



    In addition, CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_RELOCATE_FLAG can be combined using a bitwise-OR operation with any of the high-word location flags.

  • pvArg
    [in] Pointer to a void that allows the application to declare, define, and initialize a structure to hold any information to be passed to the callback enumeration function.

  • pfnEnum
    [in] Pointer to the callback function used to show the details for each physical store. This callback function determines the content and format for the presentation of information on each physical store. The application must provide the CertEnumPhysicalStoreCallback callback function.

Return Values

If the function succeeds and another physical store was found, the return value is TRUE.

If the system store location only supports system stores and does not support physical stores, the function returns FALSE and GetLastError returns the ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED code.

If the function fails and another physical store was not found, the return value is FALSE. For extended error information, call GetLastError.


To use this function, the application must declare and define the ENUM_ARG structure and an enumeration callback function.

To access a remote store, the security permissions in the registry keys on that remote computer must be set to allow access.

The desktop operating system supports the following dwFlags that Windows CE does not support:








OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later.
Header: Wincrypt.h.
Link Library: Crypt32.lib.

See Also

Certificates Functions | CertEnumSystemStore | CertEnumSystemStoreLocation | CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_RELOCATE_PARA

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