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This structure provides information about tooltip text that is to be set.

typedef struct LVSETINFOTIP {
  UINT cbSize;  DWORD dwFlags;  LPWSTR pszText;  int iItem;  int iSubItem;} LVSETINFOTIP, *PLVSETINFOTIP;


  • cbSize
    Size of the LVSETINFOTIP structure.
  • dwFlags
    Flag that specifies how the text should be set. Must be set to zero.
  • pszText
    Pointer to a Unicode string that contains the tooltip text.
  • iItem
    Value of type int that contains the zero-based index of the item to which this structure refers.
  • iSubItem
    Value of type int that contains the one-based index of the subitem to which this structure refers.


OS Versions: Windows CE 5.0 and later.
Header: Commctrl.h.

See Also

List-View Controls Structures

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