SHEnumPropSheetHandlers (Windows CE 5.0)

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For property sheet extension in Windows Mobile-based devices, this function enumerates the sub-keys under the class key hkey.

**Note   **This function is not implemented for Windows CE-based devices. It is provided as a stub in the operating system (OS) for application compatibility. This function will return FALSE for Windows CE OS versions.


BOOL SHEnumPropSheetHandlers(  HKEY hkey,  int * pcPages,  HPROPSHEETPAGE* prghPropPages,  IShellPropSheetExt ** prgpispse);


  • hkey
    [in] The registry key order to enumerate.
  • pcPages
    [out] The number of pages added.
  • prghPropPages
    [in, out] Reference to an array of HPROPSHEETPAGE.
  • prgpispse
    [in, out] Reference to an array of IShellPropSheetExt interface pointers.

Return Values

TRUE if enumeration was successful; FALSE if enumeration failed.


For each handler, the class is instantiated, queried for IshellPropSheetExt, and the IShellPropSheetExt::AddPages method is called. The handle to the page is then inserted in the array prghPropPages, and the pointer to the IShellPropSheetExt is added to prgpispse with one reference from the caller. (These should be released by the caller after the Windows CE PropertySheet function is called.) These two arrays should be allocated before calling SHEnumPropSheetHandlers.

Typical usage of this function would be to:

  • Allocate an array of HPROPSHEETPAGEs for the standard pages, plus MAX_EXTENSION_PAGES extension pages.
  • Fill a Windows CE PROPSHEETPAGE structure and call the Windows CE CreatePropertySheetPage function on each standard page.
  • Store the HPROPSHEETPAGE for the standard pages at the beginning of the array.
  • Open a registry key where the application has defined an ISV extension.
  • Allocate an array of MAX_EXTENSION_PAGESIShellPropSheetExt interface pointers.
  • Call the SHEnumPropSheetHandlers function, passing in the hkey, a pointer to the first free HPROPSHEETPAGE array element, and a pointer to the array of IShellPropSheetExt interface pointers.
  • Call the Windows CE PropertySheet function to display the property sheet.
  • Release each interface pointer in the array of interface pointers.
  • Free both arrays.

SHEnumPropSheetHandlers assumes that prghPropPages and prgpispse have been allocated with enough space for up to MAX_EXTENSION_PAGES elements. The number of pages added is returned in *pcPages.


Pocket PC: Pocket PC 2000 and later
OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later
Header: aygshell.h
Library: aygshell.lib

See Also

PropertySheet | CreatePropertySheetPage | PROPSHEETPAGE

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