Selecting a Directory to Store Test Results (Windows CE 5.0)

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You can specify a directory on your development workstation where you can store the results of tests that you run with the Windows CE Test Kit (CETK).

To select a directory to store test results

  1. In the Windows CE Test Kit window, from the Server menu, choose Server Settings, and then choose the Test Results tab.

  2. In the Folder in which to store the results of a test box, type the path of the directory where you want the CETK to store test results.

    - or -

    Choose Browse, select a directory, and then choose OK.

  3. Choose OK to close the Server Settings dialog box and save your changes.

See Also

CETK Setup | How to Use the CETK to Test a Driver | Choosing a Way to Store Test Results | Viewing the Results of a Test

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