Create a Session and Make a Call (Windows CE 5.0)

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The following code example shows how to make a call. The session is created, then a participant is added to the session to initiate the call. The operations in the Initialize RTC example must be performed before using this code.

**Note   **This code has not been thoroughly tested, does not contain error checking, and is not intended for production use.

BSTR bstrLocalURI = NULL;
BSTR bstrDestURI = NULL;

SessionType = // Specify session type 

// For phone-phone sessions, the local telephone URI is required.
if (SessionType == RTCST_PHONE_TO_PHONE)
    bstrLocalURI = SysAllocString(_T("tel:+14257034556"));

// Get the URI to call; this can be a SIP or a TEL URI.
bstrDestURI = SysAllocString(_T("")); 

// Create the session with the specified session type and local URI.
hr = pIRTCClient->CreateSession( SessionType, 
                                 &pIRTCSession );

// if (hr != S_OK) process error here.

// The AddParticipant method sets the session into the active state
// and creates the IRTCParticipant interface. 
IRTCParticipant *pIRTCParticipant;
hr = pIRTCSession->AddParticipant( bstrDestURI, 
                                   &pIRTCParticipant );

// if (hr != S_OK) process error here.

See Also

Fundamental RTC Code Examples

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