
Causes the FBWF to allocate the entire cache size at the start of the next session instead of allocating memory as needed.

  ULONG FbwfEnableCachePreAllocation(VOID);



Return Values

This function may return the following:

Return value Description
NO_ERROR The operation completed successfully.
ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION If the filter is not enabled for the next session.

Other errors set by file system if updating configuration file fails


This change will not take place until the next session.


OS Versions: Windows XP Embedded.
Header: fbwfapi.h.
Link Library: fbwflib.lib.

See Also

FBWF API | FbwfEnableFilter | FbwfDisableCachePreAllocation | FbwfIsCachePreAllocationEnabled

Last updated on Wednesday, October 18, 2006

© 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.