Actual and Calculated Timing (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


Remote Call Profiler views include both actual and calculated timing information. Actual timing values are recorded directly from the CPU clock.

The following properties of an event represent actual timing values:

  • File Timestamp
  • User Counter Stamp
  • Range Timestamp
  • User Counter Delta
  • Time Delta

Calculated timing values do not include time attributed to Remote Call Profiler profiling probes and time spent writing to Remote Call Profiler data buffers. Calculated timing values include all remaining time.

The difference between actual and calculated timing values can cause what appear to be discrepancies in the interpretation of timing data. For example, the calculated elapsed time of a function can be greater than the sum of the Time Delta values for a function.

This discrepancy is due to the elimination of Remote Call Profiler probe overhead in calculated time values.

CallCAP probes are inserted immediately after the function entry and immediately before the function exit, causing the calculated timing values to be greater than actual values.

Remote Call Profiler attributes elapsed and inclusive values for the time spent in Remote Call Profiler profiling probes.

When you collect data using CallCAP probes, probe overhead is attributed to the function being called.

When you collect data using FastCAP probes, probe overhead is attributed to the calling function.

See Also


Call Profiler Performance Data