Event Timing (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


Remote Call Profiler collects data samples at each function entry and exit in the profiled code.

Remote Call Profiler collects timing data at the entry and exit of each function call. CallCAP probes collect data immediately after the function entry and immediately before the function exit.

Remote Call Profiler collects transition events.

A change in the location of CPU event execution between ring 0 (kernel mode) and ring 3 (user mode) is marked as a transition event.

Segments of transition time represent time spent outside the direct execution of the profiled code.

Transition time can be the time spent in threads that are not part of the profiled item or in some calls to the OS from the code that is profiled.

Remote Call Profiler displays an implicit sample when either a function entry event or function exit event is missing from the collected data.

Any of the following actions can cause an implicit sample to be displayed:

  • Starting or stopping data collection with the Remote Call Profiler Collection Control window.
  • Starting or stopping data collection with the Remote Call Profiler application programming interface (API).
  • Setting the start or end range of a view in the Timeline window.
  • Calling exception handler functions.
  • Abnormal termination of the profiled code.

Remote Call Profiler includes functions from the Remote Call Profiler API in data collection and time calculations.

Remote Call Profiler marks the time spent in Remote Call Profiler collection probes and the time spent writing to Remote Call Profiler data buffers in the data (.icp) file. The time spent in these activities is excluded from all time calculations.

See Also


Call Profiler Performance Data
Call Profiler Data Collection API Reference