CeLog Tool Overview (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


The CeLog event tracking system includes a variety of related tools that give you more control in collecting data, and make it possible for you to view the data in the most useful way.

The tool hierarchy involves several layers. At the lowest layer, instrumentation added to the kernel and other parts of the OS makes calls to the CeLogData API. The next layer contains the logging DLLs, such as CeLog.dll, that load into the kernel and receive logging calls. CeLog.dll buffers the data in a memory-mapped file. A flushing application, such as CeLogFlush.exe, can read from this file, and write into a binary log file. Log parsing applications such as Readlog.exe for the top layer, which can read the binary log file and produce human-readable output.

Remote Kernel Tracker is a tool that spans several of these layers, because it can serve as a flushing application to transport the data across a connection to a desktop, and then serve as a parsing application to display the data.

The following table gives an overview of the CeLog Event Tracking tool set.

Tool Description


Receives CeLog data from the kernel and records it in a memory-mapped file.


Provides log flushing. CeLogFlush is the default data flushing application, and writes continuously to a log file that grows without check until cleared.


Provides alternative log flushing. OSCapture.exe keeps the data in a fixed-size buffer of RAM, writing out to a file only when triggered.

Kernel Tracker

Flushes the log, and provides a visual representation of application and OS events that occur on a target device.

Readlog Viewing Tool

Converts a binary CeLog output file into text file format.

Target Control Debugging Commands

Includes a log command that allows you to flush a log file manually, and provides additional functionality such as the ability to control collection zones.

See Also


CeLog Event Tracking Overview

Other Resources

CeLog Tool Customization
CeLog Event Tracking Reference