Options Dialog Box: OS Design and Build - 6.0 (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


This dialog box provides configuration settings that you can use to set global settings for Platform Builder for Windows Embedded CE 6.0. These settings affect all OS designs that you open in Platform Builder.

Option Description

Default OS build tree (WINCEROOT)

Type the path to the directory that you want to use as your default root directory, typically C:\WINCE600.

Tools only (no WINCEROOT selected)

Select this option if you do not have a full Platform Builder installation on your development workstation. This is useful when source control is used.

For more information, see Source Code Control.

Automatically detect number of processors

Select to enable Platform Builder to automatically detect the number of processors that you want to use in the build process. This is useful if you want to perform multiprocessor builds, which can reduce the amount of time required for a build to complete.

This sets the environment variable BUILD_MULTIPROCESSOR.

For more information, see Miscellaneous Environment Variables.

Manually specify number of processors

Manually specify the number of processors that are installed in your development workstation.

This is useful if you want to perform multiprocessor builds, which can reduce the amount of time required for a build to complete.

This sets the environment variable BUILD_MULTIPROCESSOR.

For more information, see Miscellaneous Environment Variables.

See Also


Options Dialog Box (Visual Studio)


Context-Sensitive Help (Visual Studio)