NDISTAPI Object Identifiers (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


The following table shows the NDISTAPI Object Identifiers with a description of the purpose of each.

Programming element Description


The OID_TAPI_ACCEPT object requests the miniport driver to accept the specified call.


The OID_TAPI_ANSWER object requests the miniport driver to answer the specified call on offer.


The OID_TAPI_CLOSE object requests the miniport driver to close the specified open line device.


The OID_TAPI_CLOSE_CALL object requests the miniport driver to close a specified call after completing or terminating all outstanding asynchronous requests on the call.


NDISTAPI makes this object request to NDISWAN, which passes it down to WAN miniport drivers, whenever a client application uses LINEMAPPER as the dwDeviceID in the lineOpen function to request that lines be scanned to find one that supports the desired media mode(s) and call parameters.


The OID_TAPI_CONFIG_DIALOG object requests the miniport driver to return the name of a user-mode dynamic-link library that can be loaded and called to configure the specified device.


The OID_TAPI_DEV_SPECIFIC object requests the miniport driver to provide access to features not accessible through other object requests.


The OID_TAPI_DIAL object requests the miniport driver to dial the specified number on the specified call.


The OID_TAPI_DROP object requests the miniport driver to drop or disconnect the specified call.


OID_TAPI_GET_ADDRESS_CAPS requests the WAN NIC driver to return information for the specified address on the specified line about its telephony capabilities.


OID_TAPI_GET_ADDRESS_ID requests the WAN NIC driver to return the address ID associated with the address in a different format on the specified line.


OID_TAPI_GET_ADDRESS_STATUS requests the miniport driver to return the status for the specified address.


OID_TAPI_GET_CALL_ADDRESS_ID requests the miniport driver to return the address ID for the specified call.


OID_TAPI_GET_CALL_INFO requests the miniport driver to return detailed information about the specified call.


OID_TAPI_GET_CALL_STATUS requests the miniport driver to return the status of the specified call.


OID_TAPI_GET_DEV_CAPS requests the miniport driver to return the telephony capabilities of a specified line device.


OID_TAPI_GET_DEV_CONFIG requests the miniport driver to return the current configuration of a device associated one-to-one with a particular line.


The OID_TAPI_GET_EXTENSION_ID object requests the miniport driver to return the extension ID for the specified line device.


The OID_TAPI_GET_ID object requests the miniport driver to return a device ID for the specified device class associated with the selected line, address, or call.


The OID_TAPI_GET_LINE_DEV_STATUS object requests the miniport driver to return the status for the specified open line device.


The OID_TAPI_MAKE_CALL object requests the miniport driver to place a call on the specified line to the specified destination address.


The OID_TAPI_NEGOTIATE_EXT_VERSION object requests the miniport driver to return the highest version extension number the miniport driver is willing to operate under for this device, given the range of possible extension versions.


The OID_TAPI_OPEN object requests the miniport driver to open the line device designated by the given device ID and return the NIC driver's handle for the device.


The OID_TAPI_PROVIDER_INITIALIZE object requests that the miniport driver initialize itself as a TAPI provider.


The OID_TAPI_PROVIDER_SHUTDOWN object requests the miniport driver to shut down its TAPI operations when TAPI is cleaning up its state because applications are no longer using TAPI services.


OID_TAPI_SECURE_CALL requests the miniport driver to secure a particular call from any interruptions or interference that can affect the call's media stream.


The OID_TAPI_SELECT_EXT_VERSION object requests the miniport driver to select the indicated extension version for the indicated line device.


The OID_TAPI_SEND_USER_USER_INFO object requests the miniport driver to send user-to-user information to the remote party on the specified call.


The OID_TAPI_SET_APP_SPECIFIC object requests the miniport driver to set the ulAppSpecific member of the specified call's LINECALLINFO structure.


The OID_TAPI_SET_CALL_PARAMS object requests the miniport driver to set certain call parameters for an existing call.


The OID_TAPI_SET_DEFAULT_MEDIA_DETECTION object requests the miniport driver to use a new set of media modes to detect for the indicated line, thereby replacing whatever set it was using.


The OID_TAPI_SET_DEV_CONFIG object requests the miniport driver to restore the configuration of a device associated one-to-one with the line device from a configuration previously obtained using OID_TAPI_GET_DEV_CONFIG.


The OID_TAPI_SET_MEDIA_MODE object requests the miniport driver to change a call's media mode as stored in the LINE_CALL_INFO structure for that call.


The OID_TAPI_SET_STATUS_MESSAGES object requests the miniport driver to allow NDISTAPI to specify which notification messages the miniport driver should generate for events related to status changes for the specified line or any of its addresses.

See Also


Network Driver Object Identifiers