SPRECORESULTINFO (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


This structure contains the result passed from the SR engine to SAPI.


typedef struct SPRECORESULTINFO{
  ULONG cbSize;
  BOOL fHypothesis;
  BOOL fProprietaryAutoPause;
  ULONGLONG ullStreamPosStart;
  ULONGLONG ullStreamPosEnd;
  ULONG ulSizeEngineData;
  void* pvEngineData;
  ISpPhraseBuilder* pPhrase;


  • cbSize
    Total size, in bytes, of the structure.
  • ResultType
    Type of result, for example, CFG. Possible values are defined for the SPRESULTTYPE enumeration.
  • fHypothesis
    Value indicating if the recognition is an hypothesis. The value is set to TRUE to indicate hypothesis, and to FALSE otherwise.
  • fProprietaryAutoPause
    Value indicating if the recognition uses the auto-pause feature. The value is set to TRUE to use auto-pause, and to FALSE otherwise. This member is only used for proprietary grammars.
  • ullStreamPosStart
    Starting position of the result within the input stream.
  • ullStreamPosEnd
    Ending position of the result within the input stream.
  • hGrammar
    Handle to the grammar, or NULL. A non-null value is required for SLM and proprietary grammars.
  • ulSizeEngineData
    Size, in bytes, of the data specified by pvEngineData.
  • pvEngineData
    Pointer to the engine data.
  • pPhrase
    Pointer to an object implementing ISpPhraseBuilder to represent the phrase.


Header sapi.h, sapi.idl
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE .NET 4.1 and later

See Also


SAPI Structures