SPPHRASEALTREQUEST (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


This structure contains alternate phrase request information.


typedef struct tagSPPHRASEALTREQUEST{
  ULONG ulStartElement;
  ULONG cElements;
  ULONG ulRequestAltCount;
  void* pvResultExtra;
  ULONG cbResultExtra;
  ISpPhrase* pPhrase;
  ISpRecoContext* pRecoContext;


  • ulStartElement
    Starting element in the original phrase of the span for which to retrieve alternates.
  • cElements
    Number of elements in the original phrase of the span for which to retrieve alternates.
  • ulRequestAltCount
    Maximum number of alternates to use.
  • pvResultExtra
    Pointer to private SR engine data. This value can be NULL if no data has been supplied.
  • cbResultExtra
    Size, in bytes, of the private SR engine data specified by pvResultExtra. This value can be 0 if no data has been supplied.
  • pPhrase
    Pointer to an object implementing ISpPhrase that represents the original recognition phrase as sent from the SR engine.
  • pRecoContext
    Pointer to an object implementing ISpRecoContext that represents the speech recognition context. This context allows the alternate analyzer to communicate with the SR engine.


Header sapi.h, sapi.idl
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE .NET 4.1 and later

See Also


SAPI Structures