Windows Messenger Migration (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


Some changes in the Windows Messenger implementation in Windows CE 5.0 are relevant when you are migrating an OS design from a previous version of Windows Embedded CE.

For general migration information, see Migrating from an Earlier Version of Windows Embedded CE.

New Functionality

The Windows Messenger client implementation in Windows CE 5.0 is based on the desktop Windows Messenger version 5.0 client and includes new functionality.

The following table shows this new functionality.

Functionality Description


Enables users to categorize contacts into different groups. Supports drag and drop of contacts as well as other group organization functionality.


Supports including and viewing "emoticons." Emoticons are glyphs that show, for example, a smiling face.

User interface improvements

Many user interface improvements including, for example, system tray notifications (alerts) for incoming messages rather than giving the application focus, and tool tip support throughout (especially useful in the contact list for viewing extended status information).

Updated .NET Messenger service support

Supports the latest .NET Messenger service changes.

For more information about the functionality of the desktop Windows Messenger application, see this Microsoft Web site.

Change in Help Content

The user Help documentation, visible to a Windows Messenger user by choosing Help Topics from the Help menu, has changed in Windows CE 5.0. For more information about creating and modifying Windows Messenger user Help, see Modifying Windows Messenger Help.

See Also

Other Resources

Windows Messenger