_ISpPrivateEngineCall (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


This interface enables private calls to a speech recognition (SR) engine. It inherits from ISpRecoContext.

Applications do not use this interface directly used by applications. To use this interface indirectly, an application should call IUnknown::QueryInterface for the speech recognition context (ISpRecoContext). This call obtains the engine extension object that is implemented by the appropriate SR engine. SAPI creates the engine extension object identified in the ExtensionCLSID attribute of the engine object token.

The extension object should call IUnknown::QueryInterface for the private engine call object (_ISpPrivateEngineCall). It can then call the _ISpPrivateEngineCall::CallEngine method to make the private call to the engine. The data passed in this call is then forwarded to the ISpSREngine::PrivateCall method to be handled by the engine.

When to Implement

SAPI implements this interface. The following class IDs (CLSIDs) can be used with this interface. A complete CLSID listing for all interfaces is in the SAPI Class IDs section.

  • CLSID_SpSharedRecoContext


The following table lists the methods for the _ISpPrivateEngineCall interface.

Method Description


Allows an engine-specific call.


Gets the non-fixed size data block response information associated with the SR engine.


Header sapiddk.h, sapiddk.idl
Library sapilib.lib
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE .NET 4.1 and later

See Also


SAPI Interfaces