Location Framework IOCTLs (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


The Location Framework abstracts the underlying details of location plugins from applications. There may be scenarios, however, where an application needs to directly interact with a location plugin. An example is when the plugin needs the user's credentials and the name of a server so that it can retrieve data from a network.

Applications use the API LocationPluginOpen to open a communication channel to a plugin, LocationPluginIOCTL to send IOCTL commands, and LocationPluginClose to terminate a channel.** The corresponding calls that the Providers or Resolvers must implement in order to service the IOCTL calls are ProviderIoctlOpen(for providers) or ResolverIoctlOpen(for resolvers), ProviderIoctlCall/ResolverIoctlCall, and ProviderIoctlClose/ResolverIoctlClose.**

In general applications should not use and plugins should not require IOCTLs, as this breaks the abstraction layer. Plugins should read their configuration from the registry and use the CredRead/CredWrite APIs in order to get and set sensitive credential information.

See Also


Location Framework Architecture
Location Framework Architecture Diagram

Other Resources

Location Framework Application Development