The IESample Browser (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


The IESample user interface has many of the features of Internet Explorer 6 for Windows, including forward and backward navigation, Favorites, and Search.

If you are creating a custom container application, we strongly recommend that you use the IESample source code or IESimple for a full-screen application as your starting point, adding or removing features as needed. For example, you may want to add Help; IESample does not automatically include a Help system. If your OS design includes the HTML help engine, you can modify the IESample code to include a Help button on the menu bar to start the HTML help system. For information about how to add end-user help to your application, see User Help.

Or, you can add a simple Help system by creating a Help button on the menu bar that opens an HTML file that contains user help information. The help page can contain a navigation button to close the help page, or the user can use the Back button on the browser itself to browse to the original page.

The following list shows the functionality that the IESample application includes:

  • Displays the current security zone in the browser status bar.
  • Displays the security lock icon when the user visits a secure Web site that automatically sends its security certificate.
  • Includes the Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3P) user interface that filters cookies based on a user's decision to accept, prompt, or reject cookies.
  • Includes a user interface to block popup windows. A popup blocking icon is displayed in the status bar when a popup is blocked. For more information about popup blocking interfaces, see Using the Popup Blocker Interfaces.
  • Implements theme support so that you can apply Windows XP visual style to the intrinsic Internet Explorer controls such as scrollbars, buttons, and edit boxes. For more information about theme support programming elements, see Theme Support Reference.
  • Implements the AutoComplete functionality that completes entries on Web pages by displaying a list of previous matching entries.

For information about default registry settings for IESample, see IESample Registry Settings.

Keyboard Shortcuts

The following table shows the keyboard shortcuts that are available to users when IESimple is in full-screen mode:

Menu action Keyboard shortcut

Refresh page


View, Text Size, Smaller


View, Text Size, Larger


View, Internet Options


Toggle between full-screen mode and window mode.

F11 or CTRL+L


ALT + <-


ALT + ->



Go to Start page


Go [opens text box]


Find [opens text box]


Shows or hides the toolbar and the status bar


See Also


Internet Explorer Embedded Samples

Other Resources

Internet Explorer OS Design Development