CEL_SYSTEM_PAGE (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


This structure identifies beginning and ending values of a page fault event that occurred in the system.


typedef __CEL_SYSTEM_PAGE {
  DWORD dwAddress;
  DWORD fReadWrite:1;
  DWORD fEndPageIn:1;
  DWORD fSuccess: 1
  DWORD dwReserved: 29


  • dwAddress
    The address where the page fault occurred.
  • fReadWrite
    The low bit of the DWORD is used to indicate whether the page is writeable. If fReadWrite is 0, this is a read-only page; otherwise, it is a writable page.
  • fEndPageIn
    The low bit of the DWORD is used to indicate the end of the page-in. If fEndPageIn is 0, this is the start of the page-in. If fEndPageIn is 1, this is the end of the page-in.
  • fSuccess
    Used only at the end of a page-in to indicate whether the page-in was a success. If fSuccess is 1, the page-in was successful. Otherwise, the page-in failed due to an error, such as an invalid address, incorrect permission, or low system memory.
  • dwReserved
    The remaining 29 bits are reserved for future use.


The fReadWrite, fEndPageIn, fSuccess, and dwReserved parameters are different fields of the same DWORD.


Header celog.h
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE 3.0 and later

See Also


CeLog Event Tracking Structures