Direct3D Mobile Devices (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


A Microsoft® Direct3D® Mobile device is the rendering component of Direct3D Mobile. It encapsulates and stores the rendering state. In addition, a Direct3D Mobile device performs transformations and lighting operations and rasterizes an image to a surface. Architecturally, Direct3D Mobile devices contain a transformation module, a lighting module, and a rasterizing module.

Direct3D Mobile represents and accesses display drivers through a device object by using the IDirect3DMobileDevice interface. The concepts of a device object allow Direct3D Mobile to work abstractly with the actual display driver. This means that the display driver can represent physical display hardware or it can be a pure software-based rendering solution without affecting how rendering calls are sent from the middleware.

There are two types of Direct3D Mobile devices: the default system device and the currently registered software device. Each device has an ordinal number associated with it that implies the type of device it is. If present, the system device is represented by ordinal 0. If present, the registered software device is represented by ordinal 1. The macro D3DMADAPTER Values are macros that you can use reference the system device and registered software device if they are available. Your application can only create a single device of either of these types. It can, however, create any number of interfaces to a device.

This section provides an overview of Direct3D Mobile devices. The overview is divided into the following topics:

See Also




Direct3D Mobile Programming