Simplified Chinese Input Method (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


Input methods (IMs) are tightly bonded to a related Input Method Editor (IME). Windows Embedded CE provides one Simplified Chinese IM for Simplified Chinese Pocket IME. This IM is described in the following table. Other IMs can be created, such as one for PinYin.

IM File name Related IME Description

Shuang Pin


Shuang Pin

Allows Shuang Pin input. This is double spelling, an advanced phonetic input model that requires fewer keystrokes.

When an IM is activated, it causes its related IME to also be activated. However, the reverse it not true; that is, activating an IME will not update the selected IM. If a user changes the current input mode from Chinese to English from within the IME Status Window, the IME will be disabled, but the IM will remain active.

To avoid this inconsistency, you can remove the IME status window from the IME UI module.

See Also

Other Resources

Simplified Chinese Pocket IME