RIL Registry Settings (Compact 2013)


Use the Radio Interface Layer (RIL) registry settings to configure RIL functionality.

The HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\Cellular\RIL registry key configures the connection mode and number of concurrent connections used by RIL. The following table shows the named values.

Value : type


Packet : REG_DWORD

Designates the connection mode used by General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) connections. When set to 0, a RAS-based connection is used. When set to a value greater than or equal to 1, Network Driver Interface Specification (NDIS) GPRS is used.

By default, this registry key does not exist. To enable RIL NDIS packet APIs, you must add this registry key to Cellcore.reg.

Contexts : REG_DWORD

Designates the number of concurrent connections (or "contexts") accepted by Connection Manager and the RIL proxy. Only values between 1 and 8 are supported. If set to 0, the default value is used. If set to a value greater than 8, the value is ignored and eight concurrent connections are accepted.

For PPP-based GPRS connections, if the registry key does not exist, or if the registry setting is 1, the RIL proxy retrieves the COM (serial) port from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\RIL\DataPort. The COM port is not used for NDIS-based GPRS connections.

By default, this registry setting does not exist. To enable multiple concurrent GPRS connections on a device, you must add this registry key to Cellcore.reg and set it to a value greater than 1.

The HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\RIL registry key configures the port name used by RIL. The following table shows the named values.

Value : type


ComPort : REG_SZ

Designates the name of the serial port to be used for PPP-based data connections. The serial port is not used for NDIS-based GPRS connections.

This registry setting is only used if the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\Cellular\RIL\Contexts key has not been set.

The HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\Cellular\CellTSP registry key configures the telephony service provider. The following table shows the named values.

Value : type


DisableCPHSOverride : REG_DWORD

By default, the Common Personal Communication Network (PCN) Handset Specification (CPHS) operator name (the operator name stored in the Subscriber Identity Module (SIM)) overrides all other stored operator names when the user is registered on the home Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN) and Enhanced Operator Name String (EONS) is not enabled. In that case, the CPHS name is displayed as the operator name.

Setting this value to 1 disables CPHS override. When override is disabled, the sample RIL driver queries registry values keyed by network number, hard-coded tables, and radio responses for the operator name.

The EONS string, if enabled, takes precedence over CPHS override.

The HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\Cellular\RIL\RemoteCallType registry key is used for push-to-talk (PTT) calls. This key is read during the device initialization process, so it must be built into the device image or provisioned by using XML.


Be sure to set the intersystems messaging gateway push-to-talk (IMGPTT) flag in the Platform.reg file.

The following table shows named values.

Value : type


CalltypeDLL : REG_SZ

The name of the DLL that contains the implementation of theRILCALLTYPECALLBACKfunction. By default, this is set to "PTTCalltypeCallback.dll" in the Cellcore.reg file. The maximum length of this string is designated by Maximum Lengths Constants.

CalltypeFunction : REG_SZ

The name of the function that implements the RILCALLTYPECALLBACK function. By default, this is set to "PTTDetermineCalltype" in the Cellcore.reg file. The maximum length of this string is designated by Maximum Lengths Constants.

RIL Driver

The registry keys in this section are used only by the RIL driver.

RIL Driver Initialization Registry

In the single radio environment the radio number is not necessary. The key is designated as HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\BuiltIn\RIL.

API Information Registry

Each RIL driver defines a set of API parameters, for example, execution time and time-out, which can vary by driver. Each driver needs an API information registry key.

In the single radio environment, the API parameter information is stored under the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\RIL\APIInfo. The following is an example of a RIL driver entry in a single radio environment.




Context Identifier

RIL_RIL_GetSerialPortHandleFromContextID depends on a value set in the registry key. In the single radio environment, the registry path is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\RIL\.

Notification Support Capabilities

For synchronous polling of the radio capabilities, the notification support for each synchronized RIL API is indicated by a registry value bit in a registry shared by the RIL driver and proxy. In the single radio environment, the notification support capabilities are entered in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\Cellular\RIL\CapsNotificationImplParams registry.

See Also

Other Resources

Radio Interface Layer