tapiRequestMakeCall (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


Use this function to request the establishment of a voice call. A separate call-management application is responsible for establishing the voice call on behalf of the requesting application. This voice call is subsequently controlled by the user's call-manager application.


LONG tapiRequestMakeCall (
  LPCTSTR lpszDestAddress,
  LPCTSTR lpszAppName,
  LPCTSTR lpszCalledParty,
  LPCTSTR lpszComment 


  • lpszDestAddress
    A pointer to a memory location where the null-terminated destination address of the call request is located. The address can use the canonical address format. Validity of the specified address is not checked by this operation. The maximum length of the address is TAPIMAXDESTADDRESSSIZE characters, which includes the NULL terminator.
  • lpszAppName
    This parameter is reserved for future use; the value of this parameter must be set to NULL.
  • lpszCalledParty
    A pointer to a memory location where the null-terminated called party name for the called party of the call is located. This pointer can be left NULL if the application does not wish to supply this information. The maximum length of the string is TAPIMAXCALLEDPARTYSIZE characters, which includes the NULL terminator. Longer strings are truncated.
  • lpszComment
    This parameter is reserved for future use; the value of this parameter must be set to NULL.

Return Value

Returns zero if the request succeeds or a negative error number if an error occurs. The following table describes possible error-return values.

Name Value Description



No recipient application is available to handle the request.



The recipient application is active, but its request queue is full or there is insufficient memory to expand the queue. The calling application should try again later.



The pointer to the destination address is not valid, is NULL, or the destination address string is too long.



Not used. Reserved for future use.



Not used. Reserved for future use.



A pointer does not reference a valid memory location. One or more of the pointers lpszDestAddress, lpszAppName, lpszCalledParty, or lpszComment have been specified but are invalid.


A telephony-enabled application can request that a call be placed on its behalf by invoking tapiRequestMakeCall and providing the destination address for the call. This request is forwarded to the system's registered call-control application, which places the call on behalf of the original application. A default call-control application is provided as part of the underlying platform.

Invoking tapiRequestMakeCall when no call control application is available returns the TAPIERR_NOREQUESTRECIPIENT error indication. Invoking this function when the Assisted TAPI request queue is full returns the TAPIERR_REQUESTQUEUEFULL error.


Header astdtapi.h
Library cellcore.lib
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE 3.0 and later

See Also


Assisted TAPI Functions