MSMQ OS Design Development (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


The embedded implementation of Message Queuing makes it possible for applications to communicate with other applications across networks and systems that might be temporarily offline.

OS Design Information

The following table shows operating system design information for Message Queuing.

Concept Description



Hardware considerations


Modules and Components

The following components and modules implement Message Queuing.

Item Module Component

Message Queuing (MSMQ)

mqoa, msmqadm, msmqd, msmqrt, visadm


Message Queuing Implementation Considerations

The following table shows the Sysgen variables for MSMQ.

Sysgen variable Description


When this variable is set, Message Queuing is included in the OS design.

This functionality is implemented as a service that provides applications running at different times with the ability to communicate across heterogeneous networks and systems that might be unreliable or temporarily offline.

This functionality is available in both headless and display-based devices.


When this variable is set, SOAP Reliable Messaging Protocol (SRMP) functionality is included in the OS design.

This functionality is a SOAP extension based on Extensible Markup Language (XML) that defines a reliable end-to-end messaging protocol.

This adds SOAP-based messaging support to MSMQ using HTTP as a transport.

This functionality is available in both headless and display-based devices.

For more information, see SOAP Reliable Messaging Protocol.


When this variable is set, the mqoa.dll module is built and included in the run-time image.

This module provides a COM wrapper around MSMQ. Scripting languages can use this wrapper to access MSMQ functionality.

Application Development Topics

MSMQ Application Development

Summary of Supported MSMQ Functions


Debugging MSMQ Installations

MSMQ Security

MSMQ Registry Settings

See Also

Other Resources

Message Queuing