Creating CDATA Sections (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


CDATA sections allow you to use sequences of characters within an XML stream that contain markup elements common to XML without violating XML well-formed constraints. For example, a mathematical XML application using < and > characters to refer to less-than and greater-than can use a CDATA section.

You can specify that a given element in the result tree will contain a CDATA section by including it in the cdata-section-elements attribute of the <xsl:output> element. The CDATA section created in this way will preserve white space and character entities.

The following is an XML fragment.

  <scriptcode language="JScript">
    function message(msg)

The following style sheet will be applied to an XML document containing the preceding fragment.

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
  <xsl:output cdata-section-elements="script/>
  <xsl:template match="scriptcode">
      <script language="JScript">
        <xsl:value-of select="."/>

The XSL Transformations (XSLT) processor scans the result tree, making a CDATA section of each item in the cdata-section-elements attribute.

  <script language="Javascript"><![CDATA[
    function message(msg)


To create the CDATA section, the elements listed as values of the cdata-section-elements attribute must be elements in the result tree, not the source tree. In the preceding examples, the Microsoft JScript® code appears as a text node within the source tree's <scriptcode> element, but the cdata-section-elements attribute refers to and affects <script> elements in the result tree.

HTML does not recognize CDATA sections. Do not use this option when generating HTML.

See Also


Controlling White Space with XSLT