Command Line Parameters for the Compare All Three Timers Drift Test with OEMIdle Periodic (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


The Compare All Three Timers Drift Test with OEMIdle Periodic executes the tux.exe -o –d oaltesttimers.dll -x 3030 command line on default execution.

You can modify the Compare All Three Timers Drift Tests by editing the command line for the test. To specify one or more of the following optional command line parameters for this test, use the –c command line parameter, which forces Tux to pass the specified string into the test module. For more information about how to edit the command line for a test, see Editing the Command-Line for a Test.

The following table shows the command line parameters for the Compare All Three Timers Drift Tests.

Command line parameter Description

-driftRunTime time

Specifies the run time for the test. The default run time is 3 hours. The value time is considered to be in seconds unless the following modifiers are used:

  • s means seconds (12s = 12 seconds)
  • m means minutes (12m = 12 minutes)
  • h means hours (12h = 12 hours)
  • d means days (12d = 12 days)

[testname [boundnumnum]]

Specifies the drift bounds when comparing clocks for drift. Used with Compare All Three Timers Drift tests.

testName is one of -busySleep, -osSleep, -trackIdlePer, -trackIdleRan

bound is one of GtcToRtc, GtcToHiPerf, HiPerfToRtc

num gives the bounds for the given comparison.

Note the lack of dashes preceding these arguments.

The default bounds for all tests are zero.

See Also

Other Resources

Compare All Three Timers Drift Test with OEMIdle Periodic