Command Line Parameters for the Storage Device Block Driver Performance Test (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


The Storage Device Block Drivers Performance Test executes the tux –o –d disktest_perf command line on default execution. With the default command line, the test runs on the first enumerated mass storage device that matches the BLOCK_DRIVER_GUID interface and supports the IOCTL_DISK_GETINFO I/O control code.


During the test, all information on the storage device is destroyed. The test writes to and reads from sectors on the storage device without preserving the contents of the sectors. Be sure to back up data on all cards and disks that are attached to the tested device before running the test.

If you run the unmodified test, it will fail. In the results file you will see a message warning you to back up data on all cards and disks that are attached to the testing device before running the test. It then instructs you to modify the command line by right clicking on the test in the Windows Embedded CE 6.0 Test Kit (CETK) tree control, choosing Edit Command Line, and adding the following switch to the command line:


After saving this change, you can run the test successfully. You can also pass this parameter in with Tux's -c command line parameter, as detailed below.

You can modify the test by editing the command line. To specify one or more of the following optional command line parameters for this test, use the –c command line parameter. The following table shows the command line parameters available for the Storage Device Block Driver Performance Test.

Parameter Description


Required. Enable the functionality of the test. Without this parameter, the test will fail. With this parameter, the test will run and destroy all data on the storage devices.

-profile profile

Limits testing to the devices of the specified storage profile.

The default is all profiles

-disk DSKx:

Specify the device name of the disk to be tested. If you do not specify this parameter, the test probes for a mass storage disk on device DSK1-9. Specifying this parameter overrides the automatic detection process and forces the test to use the disk that you specify


Specify that the test opens a handle to the disk by using the OpenStore function instead of the CreateFile function.

Opening a handle by using OpenStore is not required to test block driver functionality. However, it is useful for testing a storage device that Filesys.exe loads automatically if you cannot open the storage device as a stream device. For example, you can open a handle to a flash driver for ROM by using OpenStore.

-perfIterations n

Specifies the number of times to repeat each timed operation.

The default value is 3.

-numSectors n

Specifies the number of sectors to read or write during each timed operation.

The default value is 3.

-maxSectors n

Set the maximum number of sectors per read/write transaction.

Specify this parameter for a storage device according to the physical limit on the number of sectors transferred by the storage device at one time.

The default value is 16384 sectors.

-log type

Specifies how to log the output, as follows:

dbg: log to debug output

csv: log to .csv file

perflog: log through perflog.dll

The default value is perflog.

-logFile filename

Specifies the location and name of the .csv file to which the test logs the performance data. To specify a file in the release directory, use \release\filename.csv.

If you do not specify this parameter, the test saves the data in the file disktest_perf.csv in the root directory.

See Also

Other Resources

Storage Device Block Driver Performance Test