CE_USER_NOTIFICATION (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


This structure contains information used to initialize the user notifications settings dialog box, and receives the user's notification preferences entered by way of the dialog box. Also used when setting a user notification.


typedef struct UserNotificationType {
  DWORD ActionFlags;
  TCHAR* pwszDialogTitle;
  TCHAR* pwszDialogText;
  TCHAR* pwszSound;
  DWORD nMaxSound;
  DWORD dwReserved;


  • ActionFlags
    DWORD that specifies the action to take when a notification event occurs. The following table shows the possible values.

    Value Description


    Flashes the LED.


    Vibrates the device.


    Displays the user notification dialog box. When this structure is passed to the CeSetUserNotificationEx function, the pwszDialogTitle and pwszDialogText members must provide the title and text of the dialog box.


    Plays the sound specified by the pwszSound member. When passed to PSVN, the pwszSound member must provide the name of the sound file.


    Repeats the pwszSound for 10–15 seconds. Only valid if PUN_SOUND is set.

    Any flag that is not valid on the current hardware platform is ignored.

  • pwszDialogTitle
    Pointer to the string that contains the title of the user notification dialog box. If this member is NULL, no dialog is displayed. The CeGetUserNotificationPreferences function ignores this member.
  • pwszDialogText
    Pointer to the string that contains the text of the user notification dialog box. If this member is NULL, no dialog is displayed. The CeGetUserNotificationPreferences function ignores this member.
  • pwszSound
    Pointer to a buffer that contains the unqualified name of a sound file to play. This member is ignored if the ActionFlags member does not include the PUN_SOUND flag.
  • nMaxSound
    DWORD that specifies the maximum length of the string that the CeGetUserNotificationPreferences function can copy into the pwszSound buffer. Because the string may be a path name in a future release, the buffer must be at least the length derived by the following expression: MAX_PATH * sizeof(TCHAR). This member is ignored by the CeSetUserNotificationEx function.
  • dwReserved
    Reserved; set to zero.


The CE_USER_NOTIFICATION structure is passed in the CeGetUserNotificationPreferences function. Initial settings are used to populate the dialog box. If the function returns TRUE, the returned settings should be saved, and considered when calling CeSetUserNotificationEx. Settings for hardware not on the current device will be ignored.

It is also used when calling CeSetUserNotificationEx, to describe what should happen when the notification time is reached.


Header notify.h
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE 1.01 and later

See Also


Notify Structures