Command Line Parameters for the File System Performance Test (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


The File System Performance Test executes the tux –o –d fsperflog.dll -x2001-2014,3001-4003 command line on default execution.

The test will generate raw performance data in a log file in the release directory, under \Release\fsperflog.log. You can choose to write your own parser to convert the raw data or use the PerfToCsv Tool. For more information, see Managing Performance Results Using PerfLog.

You can modify the test by editing the command line. For more information, see Editing the Command-Line for a Test. The following table shows the command line parameters for the File System Performance Test.

Command line parameter Description

-p profile

Specify the storage profile to which to restrict testing, found in the registry under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\StorageManager\Profiles key. The default storage profile is PCMCIA.

-r \path

Specify the directory in which to run the test. If you provide this option, the test only runs in the specified directory and ignores the -p option.

This flag is useful for a file system driver that does not use storage profiles such as a network file system driver. The path does not require quotation marks; for example, -r \Storage Card


Specify that the test should run on the root file system. If you provide this option, the test on runs in the root directory and ignores the –p and –r options.


Specify that all the test files should be opened with FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING. This option can be combined with –wt.


Specify that all the test files should be opened with FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH. This option can be combined with –nb.


Include the calls to the CloseHandle and FlushFileBuffers functions in performance timing calculations.


Include the CPU usage information in the performance log.

-desc string

Include a user-specified description string in the performance log.

See Also

Other Resources

File System Performance Test