Test Cases for the Compare All Three Timers Drift Test with OEMIdle Random (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


Some platforms, for design reasons, have known drift in the GTC clock. Take this into account when running the Compare All Three Timers Drift Tests. The tests allow you to specify drift bounds so they will not fail when the drift is within known specified bounds.

The following table shows the test cases for the Compare All Three Timers Drift Tests. See below the table for an explanation of the parameter values.


If a tested clock does not run accurately, the expected duration of a test case shown in the following table might not be accurate.

Test case Description


Timer Test Usage Message

Prints out the usage message for the OAL Timer Tests. Tells the user what the tests do and specifies the input if any that the user needs to provide to the tests.


Compare All Three - Track OEMidle Random

Confirms that the clocks do not drift relative to each other.

The test periodically takes data samples from each of the three clocks and these samples are compared to each other for drift. The default time between the samples is 2 minutes. This test is similar to the OS Sleep case (3020), except that instead of waking after 2 minutes, it wakes up at random times. Data points are again taken only once every 2 minutes. Sleeping for random times allows us to call OEMIdle and force the OS into deep sleep for varying times. This can expose odd drift issues in the timer routines.

The default run time for this test is 3 hours. This can be changed using -c "-driftRunTime time", where time is the run time for the test. If there is known drift between any two clocks on the platform which is by design, the test can be given drift bounds by appending "-trackIdleRan boundnum1 num2", so that it passes when the drift is within the specified bounds. See explanation of values below table.

The value of bound is one of GtcToRtc, GtcToHiPerf, and HiPerfToRtc.

The values of num1 and num2 are the bounds for the given comparison.

The value of time is considered to be in seconds unless the following modifiers are used:

  • s means seconds (12s = 12 seconds)
  • m means minutes (12m = 12 minutes)
  • h means hours (12h = 12 hours)
  • d means days (12d = 12 days)

See Also

Other Resources

Compare All Three Timers Drift Test with OEMIdle Random