Test Cases for the Radiometrics Test (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


The test cases include TAPI test cases, data transfer test cases, RIL test cases, SIM manager test cases, an SMS test case, and a power consumption test case.

TAPI Test Cases

The TAPI test cases utilize the TAPI API set and provide pass or fail results that are closely aligned with user scenarios. The RIL API set is not used for voice call tests because each TAPI function implements a variety of RIL APIs. The following table describes the TAPI test cases.

Test Case Description


Initiates a voice call to a dialup server, waits for a connection, and then hangs up. Microsoft recommends that you use a local dialup server to eliminate potential failures due to long distance telephone calls.


Initiates a voice call to a busy phone number and then hangs up.


This test performs the following steps:

  1. Places an initial call to a dialup server.
  2. Sends a DTMF sequence requesting a return call to the device. The MSIDN number within the SIM is used to determine the device telephone number.
  3. Disconnects the active call.
  4. Receives an incoming voice call.
  5. Disconnects the voice call.


Verifies voice call conferencing. This test performs the following steps:

  1. Places a voice call to a dialup server.
  2. Sends a DTMF sequence to instruct the server to keep the call active.
  3. Places the call on hold.
  4. Changes the call to active.
  5. Places the call on hold again.
  6. Places a second voice call to the dialup server.
  7. Sends a DTMF sequence to instruct the server to keep the second call active.
  8. Swaps active calls with calls that are on hold.
  9. Connects all calls as a conference call.
  10. All calls are disconnected.

Data Transfer Test Cases

The data transfer test cases exercise the wireless data functions and implement Windows Internet API (WinInet) to verify consistency with applications that use wireless data connectivity. The following table describes the data transfer test cases.

Test Case Description


Transfers data using the HTTP protocol. This test performs the following steps:

  1. Connects to the Internet using the packet data GUID located in Datatrans.xml.
  2. Opens an HTTP connection to the DOWNLOAD_URL stored in Datatrans.xml.
  3. Downloads a specific number of blocks, according to the BLOCK_SIZE and BLOCKS_PER_SESSION values test configuration file.
  4. Disconnects the connection.


Identical to the Data_GPRS test, but initiates a voice call between each block of data transfer.


Verifies the stability of a data transfer session. This test performs the following steps:

  1. Connects to the Internet using the packet data GUID located in Datatrans.xml.
  2. Opens an HTTP connection to the DOWNLOAD_URL location stored in the test configuration file.
  3. Waits for 2 minutes.
  4. Downloads 100k of data.
  5. Repeats steps 3 and 4 25 times. Voice calls are initiated during every other download attempt.


Identical to the Data_GPRS test, but uses a circuit-switched GUID value.

RIL Test Cases

The RIL test cases exercise the various RIL APIs and provide feedback on performance for a broad range of functionality. The following table describes the RIL test cases.

Test Case Description


Performs a variety of call forwarding operations, including:

  • Retrieving unconditional voice status.
  • Retrieving voice busy status.
  • Retrieving no reply voice status.
  • Retrieving not reachable voice status.
  • Setting and clearing unconditional voice status.
  • Setting and clearing voice busy status.
  • Setting and clearing not reachable voice status.
  • Setting and clearing no reply voice status with a 15 second delay.


Verifies that the radio can be switched off and then on again.


Detects current line conditions. For example, this test detects when an incoming call is still ringing.


De-registers the radio from the current network and then registers the radio with an available network.


Requests the identity of the current network, in numeric format.


Requests a list of all available networks but does not attempt to register with any of the networks.


Performs a series of operations on the list of preferred networks. This test performs the following steps:

  1. Sends a request for a list of preferred networks.
  2. Adds and then deletes a network from the mid-point of the list.
  3. Adds and then deletes the first network on the list.
  4. Adds and then deletes the last network on the list.


Places a call to measure the RSSI value reported by the radio.


Sends a single DTMF tone during a voice call. This test performs the following steps:

  1. Initiates a voice call to the dialup server.
  2. Waits for the server to answer.
  3. Sends DTMF tone 9.
  4. Hangs up.


Verifies that the caller ID functionality is working properly. This test performs the following steps:

  1. Reads current status.
  2. Disables caller ID.
  3. Enables caller ID.


Tests the caller ID presentation. This test performs the following steps:

  1. Reads current status.
  2. Hides caller ID.
  3. Presents caller ID.


Tests the presentation of called ID.


Tests the call waiting supplementary service. This test performs the following steps:

  1. Reads current status.
  2. Enables call waiting for voice.
  3. Disables call waiting for voice.


Sets and transmits a fixed audio gain value.


Tests the current subscriber serial number.


Verifies the behavior of the SIM pin lock. the RILT_SIM_PWD value must be set to the current SIM pin within the Stinger.ini file prior to running this test. This test performs the following steps:

  1. Enables the SIM pin.
  2. Changes the SIM pin.
  3. Restores the SIM pin to the original value.
  4. Disables the SIM pin.


Tests the call barring functionality for a SIM.


Reads serial numbers and other hardware-specific information such as, manufacturer ID, model ID, revision ID and serial number.


Verifies that the phonebook location can be specified.


Verifies read and write functionality for the phone book. This test performs the following steps:

  1. Establishes the size of the phone book file.
  2. Reads all phone book entries.
  3. Reads, writes, and then deletes the middle entry.
  4. Reads, writes, and then deletes the maximum entry.
  5. Reads, writes, and then deletes the minimum entry.


Selects the handset as the audio input and output device.


Specifies the circuit-switched data bearer.


Tests the mute functionality of the radio.


Reads the list of telephone numbers associated with a particular device.


Queries the current voice registration status.


Reads a list of active calls in both idle mode and during a call.


Sends the *#10# unstructured supplementary service data (USSD) command to the network.


Reads temporary location information from the SIM for a GSM device.


Reads information on the EF-LOCI elementary SIM file.


Reads and writes Short Message Service (SMS) message storage configuration information to the SIM.


Tests the SMS store within the radio module. This test performs the following steps:

  1. Writes message to the SMS store.
  2. Reads the message and verifies the content.
  3. Deletes the message.


Tests the SMSC SMS service center address. This test performs the following steps:

  1. Reads the SMSC value.
  2. Stores a test SMSC value.
  3. Reads and verifies the SMSC value.
  4. Restores the original SMSC value.


Tests the ability SMS message send and receive functionality.


Stores and verifies the GPRS access point name.


Verifies the deleting of a quality of service profile.


Tests the GPRS registration status query functionality.


Activates GPRS context 1.

SIM Manager Test Cases

The SIM manager test cases use test the ability of the SIM manager to access functionality from the SIM card. The following table describes the SIM manager test cases.

Test Case Description


Tests the SIM-related capabilities of the radio.


Initializes and de-initializes the SIM manager.


Queries the maximum number of SIM phone book locations as well as the maximum SIM phone book size.


Creates a test phone book entry and reads it from the phone book storage.


Reads the maximum SIM Short Message Service (SMS) storage size along with the total number of SMS messages currently in use.


Writes a test SMS message to the SMS storage within the SIM.


Carries out the following SIM operations on the EF-LOCI SIM file:

  • Reads status
  • Saves current information
  • Waits for a refresh notification
  • Saves test data
  • Reads test data
  • Restores original data


Requests EF-LOCI SIM file information from the radio.


Tests the SIM pin lock functionality.


Changes the SIM PIN1 value.

SMS Test Cases

The Short Message Service (SMS) test case verifies that the radio module is able to send and receive a large number of SMS messages in a short period of time. The following table describes the SMS test cases.

Test Case Description


Verifies that the radio module can send and receive a large number of SMS messages.

See Also


Radiometrics Test